- 2013: GWA permitted the expansion of additional compression and 19.7 miles of additional pipelines for an existing gas storage Facility near Bay City, Texas.
- 2009 – 2013: GWA managed construction activities, environmental permitting and training, survey, Lead Environmental Inspection, and coordination, and submission of weekly reports to the FERC for a salt dome natural gas storage project (including approximately 43 miles of dual 24-inch-diameter pipeline, four salt dome cavern storage wells, nine Saltwater Disposal and Raw Water Wells) requiring extensive solution mining and underground storage of natural gas supplies. Also, GWA filed a supplementary Application using a negotiated Expedited Certificate Amendment Procedure where GWA prepared a complete Environmental Report package (including agency consultations, environmental and cultural surveys, Resource Report preparation, Federal, state, and local permitting, and construction inspection) for the relocation of two natural gas storage caverns.
- 2009 – 2010: GWA filed a FERC Application for Amendments to Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. GWA prepared a complete Environmental Report package (including agency consultations, environmental and cultural surveys, Resource Report preparation, Federal, state, and local permitting) for the development of two additional natural gas storage caverns totaling 2.8 Bcf, (bringing the total number of authorized caverns to five); increase the working gas capacity of two of the three authorized natural gas storage caverns from 8 Bcf to 10 Bcf; and construct, own and operate one additional raw water withdrawal well and one additional saltwater disposal well; construct, own, operate and maintain 5.3 miles of 24-inch diameter natural gas pipeline loop; install six incremental compression units totaling 34,800 horsepower, and expand the Gas Handling Facility to accommodate the additional compressors and pipeline facilities related to the two additional caverns for a Client in Louisiana.
Gas Storage Projectsadmin2019-03-11T19:02:03+00:00